Friday, December 14, 2012

Shedd Aquarium

My friend Liza decided to accompany me on the long drive home to Chicago. To celebrate her first time in the big city I decided to take her to my favorite place - the Shedd Aquarium. If you don't know already, I have a large obsession with whales. They are beautiful creatures that both intrigue  and scare the bejesus out of me. The Shedd not only has Beluga whales but it has sea otters, turtles, jellyfish, and basically everything other animal you would want to see - like sharks eeeek! In the midst of our visit we ended up at the holiday fantasea water show where dolphins, whales, and sea lions performed tricks. There were also some visits from carolers, santa, and people dressed like whales and snowmen. It was....weird to say the least. Let me rephrase that, it was a show targeted to children - yeah thats better :)

The dolphins and whales just had babies so there were little nuggets swimming around. Unfortunately, we weren't allowed to view them above water (due to bonding purposes) so I have a few blurry pictures of them under water. Just a warning, I took many pictures of the jellies - They are just so photogenic! I'm also sharing a picture from 2011 where I had to opportunity to interact with a Beluga at the Shedd. If you are interested in a experience like that click here!

From 2011-


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